Prodigy sign up to be a member
Prodigy sign up to be a member

prodigy sign up to be a member

Select the student whose account you'd like to apply the Membership to and select Save Changes.

prodigy sign up to be a member

Keep in mind you may have a Membership for Prodigy Math or Prodigy English, so choose accordingly! Once located, select Choose Student or, if transferring, Switch Student.ģ. Locate the Membership you'd like to transfer or apply.

prodigy sign up to be a member

(Mobile) Open the menu in the top-left corner, tap your email address, then select Memberships.Ģ. (Desktop) After logging in to your Teacher Account, select your name from the top of the page and then select Memberships.ġ. If you're a parent trying to apply your child's Membership, visit our support article linked here. This process applies to Teacher Accounts only.

Prodigy sign up to be a member